AUD $0.00
I had a very good experience working with your company. The customer service representative was very friendly and helpful. She helped me pick out the right model for the type of bird problem we were having and the product has worked great. We had installed an in-ground pool a couple of years ago and never had any problems with bird droppings. A few years later, all of the neighbors trees started to mature and our backyard turned into a bird sanctuary with hundreds of birds flying through the yard constantly. Each morning I would find hundreds of bird droppings on the patio and all over the automatic cover. It was really disgusting. We actually had birds drop in the pool as we swam. I couldn't put up with it any longer.
I investigated ways to get rid of birds on-line, and finally determined that the Bird Gard Pro would be the best solution. It was easy to install and started repelling birds after about 2–3 days. We no longer have bird droppings in the yard and I feel comfortable that my family is no longer exposed to bird waste. I've actually had neighbors ask me what kind of exotic birds we have living at the house. No one realizes that it is a machine.
Thanks for saving our summer. We only get to enjoy the pool for a few months in Chicago, and this really helped.