Why It's Called “Spring Cleaning”

Spring is coming fast, and we all know what that means: pests. The warm weather brings out a whole array of pests eager to enjoy the warmth and looking for food. So, what can we do to protect our homes and other important places?

The first line of defense is going to be repair and prevention. Animals coming out of winter hibernation are starving and have used up fat stores that were put away for winter. Animals in warmer regions may not be as ravenous, but places that have your typical winter will have pests fighting to get some food. So, this means you want to make sure any food in and outside is locked away and stored in tight containers. Any holes or damage that could allow a pest access needs to be repaired.

Next is cleaning! Spring cleaning is no joke. It’s time to air out the rooms, clean out your winter wear, goodwill runs, weed pulling, etc. It is also a very important time to clear out nests and any nooks and crevices that sat untouched throughout the winter. Have a gardening shed you didn't use much? Clean it out. Is there an old car sitting unused? Make sure to check the engine and interior. Animals build nests in these places. The only thing to look for is babies. Most animals don’t have their young until spring is established, but looking up information on the animal you are clearing out will tell you when they typically have little ones in a nest.

The last thing to do is prevent them from coming back! We offers options for indoors and outdoors to keep pests from returning. If you need any help choosing the right product for you, please contact use via phone 02 6766 5886, , or email.

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