Repel Pests with the Help of Essential Oils
Essential oils are a natural ingredient that can easily be used to repel pests, such as mice and insects. While we find their scents pleasant, the pests do not! They also have wonderful cleansing properties, so you can repel while making your home clean and smelling fresh.
Simple Pest Repeller Spray by Experience Essential Oils:
- 5 Drops peppermint essential oil
- 5 Drops spearmint
- 5 Drops lemon essential oil
- ½–1 Cup distilled water
Place the ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake until well mixed. Spray on counter tops, walls, inside of cabinets or any other place that you see them.
(Tip: If you don't like plastic bottles, use a glass one.)
Remember, while essential oils are natural and humane, you should always do your research to make sure they will work for your situation. Always test a small location before to make sure they do not cause any discoloration or damage.